Friday, July 27, 2012

Can God Say Damn It?

Many months ago I am changing Eli's diaper and Leela says to me, "Mom Why can't I say damn it?" I'm thinking Ah so this is where it begins. I for a moment look forward to the many conversations we will have about words, how to use them, what they mean, how hard they are to take back and how much I fear the written word for my children within the context of technology. Technology I have quite honestly not caught up with yet. Yes I am that mom who still has a pen and paper handy quite often. I know, sad.

.My flash forward was but a moment before I quickly replied, "well Damn It is a word mommy's and daddy's sometimes use to express frustration but there are much more thoughtful words you can use to express that emotion."......Leela thinks....."Well since God is the daddy of everyone can he say damn it?".....I think...."Yes God could say damn it, but I don't think he would choose to."  Never mind most of my wrestling's with God and Scripture surround the very concept of damnation in the Bible and yet I stand by my first thought, I really don't think God would choose to say it. :)

Now, Leela's daddy. He may have said it. Poor Miles, apparently this is how the damn it conversation started. Again while changing Eli's diaper(which Miles is very good at by the way) Eli apparently got his hands all in it and Miles uttered the word damn it and that was it. Each time Eli reached to get at his diaper and bum leela would say, "oh man daddy he damned it, Eli damned it again." Miles trying to be quick with a response albeit flustered fell into the oh so famous parenting trap of saying, "Leela don't say that word." I think he may of even followed up with the word, "because" when challenged further. Oh how the best of us fall. So i guess the truth is most of us don't often say damn it and God would not choose too unless of course, He was elbow deep in poop, then maybe.

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